Mt. San Antonio Gardens Privacy Policy
Security Policy
Mt. San Antonio Gardens is committed to safeguarding your payment and personal information. We utilize Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software which is among the best software available today for secure commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information including credit card number, name, and address, so that it cannot be read over the internet.
Privacy Policy
The site is owned and operated exclusively by Congregational Homes, Inc. dba Mt. San Antonio Gardens, a non-profit entity in the State of California. We understand and share your concerns about privacy; as a result, we have put this page together in order to communicate to you exactly how and why we collect personal information from this web site and what it is used for. Information you give to us will be exclusively used as you request (to provide you with an application, for example) or to help facilitate our serving you. Please read this Privacy Policy for details about what information we collect, how it is used, and how it is protected.
What information does Mt. San Antonio Gardens collect?
Mt. San Antonio Gardens collects the following information from this web site:
- When you send an e-mail from our web site or call our offices, we will ask for information such as your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address.
- If you are seeking employment with us, we may also inquire about your interests and experience.
How is the information shared?
Your information may be shared with members of our staff or in order to assist you better. Mt. San Antonio Gardens does not share your information with any third parties.
Does your site use cookies?
We do not use cookies.
Do you track site usage?
Yes. Mt. San Antonio Gardens tracks the movement of our visitors through our site through a variety of means. These include:
- Reports based on links visited
- Reports based on source of entrance to the site domain
- Reports based on search engines and search terms used to find our site
- Reports based on amount of time spent viewing specific sections/pages of the site
- Please note however that we do not track the movement of individual users. This is because the software we use does not allow for the personal identification of individual users. That is, individuals remain anonymous when visiting www.msagardens.org/ until they choose to provide personally identifying information via login, e-mail, sign-up form, or other means. If you have any questions about our privacy practices, please contact us.