Claremont Meals on Wheels
Volunteer Opportunities are:

Pack Meals
When you join a Meals on Wheels volunteer packing team, you agree to a schedule to come in 2 or 3 times each month to help pack meals prepared at Mt. San Antonio Gardens. Meals on Wheels operates Monday through Friday (holidays included). Packers assemble all cold items in a lunch bag and put hot food into individual “TV tray” containers. Packers are also expected to help with cleaning prior to and following the packing process. Arrival time is 8:30 a.m., and departure is approximately 11:00 a.m. “On the job” training is provided by experienced Meals on Wheels volunteers. All appropriate safety precautions are observed, including (while COVID-19 is a threat) social distancing and wearing masks.

If you do not have the time to commit to a regular schedule but would like to help by filling in at the last minute or in case someone goes on vacation, we would be happy to add you to our substitute list.
For any information about volunteering, please call the Volunteer Coordinator or the president. They can be reached by leaving a message at (909) 621-4018. They will get back to you within 48 hours.
Deliver Meals
If you prefer to deliver meals to clients, you will need to provide your own transportation and automobile insurance. Volunteers pick meals up from Mt. San Antonio Gardens and deliver 2 or 3 times a month. Meals on Wheels operates Monday through Friday (holidays included). Delivery starts at 10:45 and takes approximately 75 to 90 minutes. “On the job” training is available.
If you would like to help navigate for a deliverer, you do not need to provide your own transportation and automobile insurance. You would help the driver with directions and assist with delivering the meals to the clients’ door. You would be scheduled 2 or 3 times per month, beginning at 10:45 a.m. and concluding approximately 75 to 90 minutes later. “On the job” training is available.
All appropriate safety precautions are observed, including (while COVID-19 is a threat) social distancing and wearing masks. We currently use a “contactless” delivery system.

Other Positions
As you become more involved with Meals on Wheels and decide you would enjoy more responsibility, please consider the many other volunteer opportunities available, including Day Captain, Routing, Intake, and membership on the Board of Directors. If you are interested in any of these positions, please notify the Volunteer Coordinator or the president.