Homeship Fund
Donations to this fund provide financial assistance to current residents who are in need.
The Gardens’ endowment is a fund that helps to ensure that we will have the resources to deliver on our commitment of care and services over the long term, and is critical to our ability to remain as affordable as possible.
Unrestricted Fund
Unrestricted gifts allow the Gardens leadership to support the area of greatest need.
Health Center Fund
Donations to this fund allow us to purchase additional equipment and supplies that contribute to the quality of care and resident enrichment in our Skilled Nursing areas, Magnolia Grove and the Evergreen Villas.
Congregational Homes, Inc. (dba Mt. San Antonio Gardens) is a not-for-profit, 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, making your gift to the Gardens tax deductible as permitted by law. Tax ID #952047121