Planned Giving
An Enduring Legacy
For inquiries about gifts and donations to the Gardens, please contact Patricia Williams, Chief Financial Officer, at 909-624-5061 or pwilliams@the-gardens.org.
A bequest is the simplest type of planned gift and one of the easiest to implement. A bequest is a gift to Congregational Homes, Inc. designated through your will or estate plan. Bequests may transfer a specific dollar amount or a percentage of an estate.
Charitable Gift Annuities
A charitable gift annuity is an agreement between you and Congregational Homes, Inc., in which an irrevocable donation of cash, stocks, or appreciated property is made. In return, you receive a lifetime guaranteed income and a charitable deduction for a portion of your gift. The amount remaining at the end of your life will then be used per your designation.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A charitable remainder trust is a gift that turns an appreciated asset of stock or property producing little or no income into a productive asset frequently avoiding capital gains on the sale of the asset. Although you donate the asset to Congregational Homes, Inc., you continue to use or receive income from it during your lifetime. Congregational Homes then receives the principal after a specified time period. You avoid a capital gains tax on the donated asset and receive an income tax deduction for the fair market value of the remainder interest that the trust earned. This gift also reduces subsequent estate taxes because it removes the asset from your estate.
Real Property
Real property includes all gifts of real estate. This may include a residence, vacation home, commercial property, or undeveloped land. Real property also includes gifts of artwork.
Congregational Homes, Inc. (dba Mt. San Antonio Gardens) is a not-for-profit, 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, making your gift to the Gardens tax deductible as permitted by law. Tax ID #952047121